2010年8月12日 星期四

統計、流病、EBM 10:THE LANCET臨床研究導讀

THE LANCET臨床研究導讀(Handbook of Essential Concepts in Clinical Research)中文版 2008 由Elsevier Taiwan出版,力大圖書經銷。

這是一本好書,但中文版未曾仔細閱讀過,只讀過英文版,Schulz, K. F. 及Grimes, D. A.兩人合著,英國人的英文當然是比較難,但也比較有趣。必需注意的是在第七章關於Youden's J出現錯誤,書中誤植為predictive value positive + predictive value negative - 1,正確為sensitivity + specificity - 1。勘誤表出版於Lancet. 2008 Jun 14;371(9629):1998.。出錯的由來可能來自Armitage, P et al的Statistical Methods in Medical Reseach

整本書的內容在Lancet 上於2002年及2005年出版。

01. An overview of clinical research: the lay of the land.

Observational studies
02. Descriptive studies: what they can and cannot do.
03. Bias and causal associations in observational research.
04. Cohort studies: marching towards outcome.
05. Case-control studies: research in reverse.
06. Compared to what? Finding controls for case-control studies.

Screening tests
07. Uses and abuses of screening tests.
      Letter 1: Screening in clinical trials
      Letter 2: Screening in clinical trials
      Erratum: Lancet. 2008 Jun 14;371(9629):1998
08. Refining clinical diagnosis with likelihood ratios.

Randomised controlled trials
09. Sample size calculations in randomized trials: mandatory and mystical.
10. Generation of allocation sequences in randomized trials: chance, not choice.
11. Allocation concealment in randomized trials: defending against deciphering.
12. Unequal group sizes in randomized trials: guarding against guessing.
13. Sample size slippages in randomized trials: exclusions and the lost and wayward.
14. Blinding in randomized trials: hiding who got what.
15. Multiplicity in randomized trials I: endpoints and treatments.
16. Multiplicity in randomized trials II: subgroup and interim analyses.