Parker MJ, Palmer CR:
A new mobility score for predicting mortality after hip fracture. J Bone Joint Surg [Br] 1993: 75-B:797-8.
Paker and Palmer score是用於評估近端股骨骨折術後一年後死亡機率的工具。
內含Mobility score 及Abbreviated mental test score兩部分,附上spreadsheet方便使用。
Mobility (Score is the total, 0 to 9): 3: No difficulty, 2: With an aid, 1: With help from another person, 0: Not at all
- Able to get about the house
- Able to get out of the house
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Abbreviated mental test: 10個項目,正確得1分 |
- Give the current time to the nearest hour
- Remember an address and repeat it at the end of the test
- Name the institution to which you have been admitted
- State date of birth (day and month are sufficient)
- Give the year of the start of the Second World War
- Name the present monarch or head of state
- Count backwards from 20 to 1