2010年8月9日 星期一

Crowe's Classification

Crowe's Classification一直很難記,尤其是在臨床應用時。重點在於A/B之比值,才能對應至subluxation的百分比。
A: head-neck junction至tear drop之參考線之高度
B: Pelvic height

ISubluxation < 50% or proximal dislocation < 0.1 (10%) of the pelvic height
IISubluxation 50%–75% or proximal dislocation of 0.1 to 0.15 (10% to 15%) of pelvic height
IIISubluxation 75%–100% or proximal dislocation of 0.15 to 0.20 (15% to 20%) of pelvic height
IVSubluxation > 100% or proximal dislocation of > 0.20 (20%) of pelvic height

統計、流病、EBM 9: ABC of Epidemiology

當初在上課時,在同學的介紹之下發現了在 Kidney International 連載的文章 ABC of Epidemiology,也是橫跨三年的文章。他人之石可以攻錯,好文章分享。統計與流病是相輔相成的,正如Sir William Osler所說的"He who studies medicine without books sails an uncharted sea, but he who studies medicine without patients does not go to sea at all."

01. General and clinical epidemiology at square two: A new educational series for the renal physician.

02. Measuring disease occurrence

03. The randomized clinical trial: An unbeatable standard in clinical research?

04. The valuable contribution of observational studies to nephrology

05. Measures of effect: Relative risks, odds ratios, risk difference, and 'number needed to treat'

06. Bias in clinical research

07. Confounding: What it is and how to deal with it

08. Linear and logistic regression analysis

09. The analysis of survival data: the Kaplan–Meier method

10. The analysis of survival data in nephrology: basic concepts and methods of Cox regression

11. Survival analysis: time-dependent effects and time-varying risk factors

12. The effect of joint exposures: examining the presence of interaction